When looking to streamline a business process an experienced outside evaluation can prove invaluable when analyzing time spent and return on investment. The ability to fast track, simplify, and enhance basic operating structures ensure employee satisfaction and managerial empowerment.
We offer on-site and remote support including:
- Talent Acquisition Assistance
- On-Boarding and Training Programs
- Developing Competitive Pay Plans and Bonus Programs
- Customer Service Enhancement
- Conflict Resolution
- Individual & Specialized Coaching for Under-Performing Employees
- Management Coaching and Advising
- Motivational Speaking & Seminars
Certified Action proudly offers Action Selling® sales training programs that increases overall sales performance. This is reflected in the team’s behavior and is measurable in growth. Action Selling® is perfect for any industry or company size. The program is differentiated by the following reasons:
- Action Selling® teaches five critical selling skills that are proven to produce more performance gain than all others.
- Action Selling® incorporates training, reinforcement, and transfer innovations that ensure these skills will be learned and consistently used on the job.
Certified Action is an authorized Action Selling® Coach and Distributor offering Sales Training Workshops for all company sizes.
This Sales Training is for Sales Teams and Managers who want to:
- Sharpen sales skills and expand success
- Learn how to sell effectively and build lasting customer relationships.
- Shorten their sales cycle, hit quota and grow their accounts
- Provide a system for coaching sales people on an ongoing basis for long term success.
Action Selling has definitely given me the leg up I needed to help make sales. Especially the bigger sales I’ve made. I don’t believe I would have attained some of those sales if I wouldn’t of had the Action Selling training.
Action Selling provides a tremendous foundation in which to build a strong sales team. I enjoyed the interactive workbook exercises, role plays, and videos. Most importantly, the facilitator really did his homework!! Great job!!!!